About The Speaker

Ghada Khalil
Dr Khalil is currently the “Executive Director” of Rowad 2030 project, a national entrepreneurship initiative created under the umbrella of Egypt's Sustainable Development Strategy for 2030 that aims to create a scientific community capable of adopting innovative thinking and supporting Egyptian Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Under her leadership, Rowad 2030 was successfully awarded and been recognized with several prominent international, regional and national awards like the UN Best Practice recognition. Also, it was able to export its practices to several regional countries, and act as a regional hub to entrepreneurship. Prior to joining MOP, Dr. Khalil worked at UNWTO for more than 5 years at the Regional Program for the Middle East (based in Madrid) supporting UN sustainable development agenda and increasing the recognition of the transformative power of tourism in combating global challenges. In addition, she was the Head of External Relations and Communication unit at Nexos Alianza (UNAOC- Madrid) for more than 8 years. During her years of work, Dr. Khalil established a respectable experience in planning and project implementation, along with keeping an immense attention to sustainable development’s role in building civilizations and engaging it in her scope of work. Not only that, she was nominated as member of board of directors of the international Union for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education (ADIC), for its notable support to cultural integration. Besides, her outstanding experience in strategic planning and implementation for more than 12 years, Dr. Khalil holds a PhD degree from Complutense University, Madrid, in International Relations.